tp kengkawan ada bnyak arahan yang disuruhnya - hati jd keluh-kesah....................
boleh percaya ke??????????????? - kengkawan ada tak terima email camni?
Hello Faridah hanim Zulkifli,!
Congratulations! You have just been nominated to be our possible winner!
We are happy to announce that you are one of our lucky potential winners to our prize:
RM1,000 worth of Supermarket Vouchers
for you & your family!
1. Faridah hanim Zulkifli
Choose vouchers from your favourite supermarket!
Click here:
Hello Faridah hanim Zulkifli,!
Congratulations! You have just been nominated to be our possible winner!
We are happy to announce that you are one of our lucky potential winners to our prize:
RM1,000 worth of Supermarket Vouchers
for you & your family!
1. Faridah hanim Zulkifli
Choose vouchers from your favourite supermarket!
Click here:

mmg agak fenifu di situ. dah bnyk kali gak terima email camni. huhuhu
bunyi cam lain je.
baik hati2.
pernah jugak dpt panggilan kata menang duit ribu2.
masalahnya yg call tu bunyi cam indon.
kantoi kat situ..huhu
tq Sue-Rya, itule fenifu yer!!!
itu le Nick bila kata menang, bnyak arahan yg disuruhnya, halfway terus cancel, takuttttttttt
kena hati-hati saya rasa. depa ni kadang duk loqlaq je. hehe. salam kenal.
tq - salam kenal jua
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